If you are looking to build a house in Sarasota, Venice, Nokomis, North Port Florida or anywhere in Southwest Florida you will run into the topic of City Water vs Well Water… Which is Better?
If this is your first time building a home, you will run into many of these major decisions that will need to be made before purchasing the land to build on. There are many factors that play into Connecting to City Water Vs Drilling for Well Water, including but not limited to: The Cost of Install, the Monthly Fees, The Maintenance, The Quality, etc.
With Well Water you will need a more advanced water filtration system since you are pulling water directly from the aquifer below. Most building codes will require a basic filtration system, but it is highly recommended to get an Reverse Osmosis System for the purest water quality along with a water softener.
For city water water, it is treated at the local water treatment plant, however it is also recommended to get that water tested as you may need to add iron filters, water softener, and also an Reverse Osmosis System to get the best water quality.
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So you're looking to build a house here In Sarasota County and you're looking And debating between several Lots here One has City water versus the other one You would have to drill a well so what Are the major differences between City Water and also drilling a well so I Brought my GC partner onto this video Because he has extensive knowledge into Both of these aspects in terms of the Cost the monthly fees that are Associated with either version um and Some other major important things to Know when you are either having a house To drill a well or you're connecting it To city water so I appreciate you coming On to this video today Josh and with Your knowledge here of building homes Here in Northport Sarasota what have you Seen I guess to be the major differences In city water and well we'll just start With the construction aspect First Construction aspects there's not a whole Lot different okay one if we have a well We have to dig a well right or or drill For a well so and that's very very Common CU a lot of houses whether you're Going to drill for your drinking well You're digging a well for sprinkler System Irrigation now opposed to hooking up to City Water there's an engineered fee for That that you have to go through you Have to pay for the water tap so the
Cost kind of balances itself out right Um a lot of areas don't offer City Water Northport most of northport's uh all Well um there's certain small pockets at Our city um but the differences are Obviously water quality difference um if You you can't run straight well to the House you need to have a softener system Or RO system but those tend to as long As they're maintained systems they're Flawless um city Water depends on where you're at it's It's it's different levels chlorinated Me personally I'm on well MH um I love My well water it I have no smell I've Got an RO system but it all depends on The system that you're putting on the on Your home as well right so from a Construction aspect what do you see to Be the rough estimate currently of Drilling a well versus hooking up to City water now depending on how deep you Need to go on a well um it's between $7,500 and $8,500 to to drill your well Okay um your plumber will do the Connection same as he would do it's Easier for him to connect to the well Than it is to the Sewer or the city Water line Y um so the cost cost is About equivalent because when you do the Engineering for the water tap um you're Doing that through the municipalities And County that can take a while um but Sometimes you don't have an option to go
With you know well or city sometimes You're you're on City and a lot of times You're on uh well and septic or city Water and septic the house we're in Right now is City water and septic right Um it's it's a great combo either Which Way But the cost is pretty similar you Know in the construction aspect right For the installation so yep what would You say is the the difference in monthly Fees between these two well the monthly Fees with a well you don't have a water Bill you know you're you're running Straight off the well it will cost you a Little bit more in electric because You're running a a pump to the house the RO system was going to cost you a fee Now R can run anywhere from 2,000 to 15,000 right but if you have like my Personal home has a 500 gon water tank Where the clean water's already gone Through it's always sistern through and Then my house my water quality on my House is actually better than the city Water which is right down the street and It's been tested so you that that's kind Of one of the pros and cons but it all Depends on what system you're going to Put in right and who's going to maintain It for you right so with drilling a well You're basically going to have the Filtration system you know maintenance Upkeep all that versus City Water you Have all the monthly fees every time you
Run water like this you just cost me Money I just cost you money well not Only money to bring the water but also To get rid of it correct if you're on City sewer I should say but not a septic But if you are on both City water and City sewer which some people are in Northport if you're closer to the city Correct you're paying every time you Turn it on and it going through the Whole drain system so I mean it has its Pros and cons uh each one But they pretty much balance each other Out you know um if there is a big storm They can shut the water off the city Which North did during with nor yep they Did where if you're on well and you have A generator you can still have water to Your house right so that's kind of one Of the pros and cons to it but you can Always have a well drilled if if you Wanted to even if you're on City Water Even if you're on City Water I did not Know that it it just has to be approved And within a well Arc of a septic system You know and that'll be for drinking Water for the well Arc you can do Irrigation well but you can always pull Water from that if you're in dire strait Right well that's interesting you learn Something new every day I guess right so If you guys have any questions regarding You know looking at land here in Sarasota or northp wherever in the
General Sarasota region if you guys have Questions trying to identify land Whether you're looking to have a lot on CityWalk or if you are looking to have a Lot where you just want to drill a well If you guys have specific questions on That feel free to reach out to us with Our uh contact information down below And if you guys have just generic Questions about the construction aspect Of building basically here in Sarasota Northport put in the comment section Down below we'd be happy to answer any And all questions you have but with all That being said I appreciate you guys Checking out the video and we will catch You guys all next week