Controversy Over Warm Mineral Springs in North Port Florida Development Roaldo Percoco, June 18, 2023August 25, 2023 In this highly controversial video, we dive into the hotly debated topic of transforming Warm Mineral Springs from a peaceful, residential area to a bustling commercial development with hotels, multifamily buildings, single-family home developments, and commercial shopping. Warm Mineral Springs is a natural wonder located in North Port, Florida, known for its warm and therapeutic mineral waters. The water in the spring maintains a constant temperature of 87 degrees Fahrenheit, which makes it an ideal destination for year-round swimming and relaxation. The mineral content of the water is also believed to offer various health benefits, including improved skin health, pain relief, and increased circulation. The springs have a rich history, dating back to the prehistoric era, and have been a popular destination for centuries. Visitors to Warm Mineral Springs can also enjoy a range of activities, including hiking, birdwatching, and picnicking in the lush surrounding parkland. The area is also home to a variety of cultural attractions, including Native American artifacts and the Warm Mineral Springs Motel, a mid-century modern hotel designed by Sarasota School architect Victor Lundy. Warm Mineral Springs offers a unique and memorable experience for visitors seeking natural beauty, relaxation, and wellness. Join us as we explore the arguments for and against this proposed transformation, the potential impacts on the local community, and the legal and environmental factors at play. Be Sure to Check Our Website to Join our EXCLUSIVE VIP LIST For the Hottest New Construction Homes in Southwest Florida Sarasota Relocation Guide ➡️ North Port Relocation Guide ➡️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🤔Thinking of moving to Southwest Florida? 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We have made strategic partnerships with builders so that we can also best help you if you decide that you would like to build a new construction home. « Music: » ====== 🏡 MUST WATCH Videos for People Looking to Move to Sarasota🏡 Nokomis Florida Tour → Land Prices in North Port→ Wellen Park Florida Tour → Is AirBnB Allowed in Sarasota County → What is North Port Florida Like → 💜 POPULAR PLAYLISTS for People Looking to Move to Sarasota💜 Living in Sarasota→ Investing In Sarasota Real Estate→ Island Tours Near Sarasota→ Sarasota Home Tours→ Sarasota Attractions & Adventures→ ===== 📲 CONNECT WITH ME on Social Media: 📲 TikTok➳ FACEBOOK ➳ INSTAGRAM➳ LINKEDIN➳ ====== #warmmineralsprings #northport #newconstructionhomes So there’s a little controversy going Around about warm Mineral Springs here In the city of Northport hey friends It’s Noah your favorite Northport real Estate broker in this video we’re Switching it up a little bit we’re not Talking about real estate so to speak About residential single-family houses Here in Northport but instead we’re Going to be talking about development Opportunities coming into the North Port Area especially around the warm Mineral Springs as this has been a highly Controversial topic for some time now And now it’s really come to light with News articles coming out and everything Like that so I wanted to share it with You guys as it is looking like it’s Actually going to happen but there is Still a lot of paperwork to go through And a lot of red tape to go through but It is looking like everything is moving Forward the city is moving forward with These plants so I want you guys to be up To date on what’s Happening and what’s Going to be changing with warm Mineral Springs as you may not already be a Resident but you’re already maybe Looking to move to the North Port area As this could impact some of the Commercial developments you know the House opportunities everything like that So we’re going to be talking a little Bit about what war minerals Springs is We’re going to be talking about some of The controversial plans that’s going on Between the city and the people of Northport also talking about how warm Mineral Springs was destructed from Hurricane Ian along with some of the True facts of going on about you know What the people actually think about What’s going to happen with warm Mineral Springs and kind of what they want to Happen versus what the city really wants To happen right so we’re going to be Referencing to this news article that Came out where it states that the Northport commission is going to start Weighing in heavily more on the Developments for warm mineral Springs so If you guys don’t know what warm Mineral Springs is warm Mineral Springs is one Of the largest natural Mineral Springs In the entire world actually and it Stays around 85 to 87 degrees year round Right so it’s very very warm it gets up To 250 feet deep however there is a Shallow end there are some crevices down Below you know it’s not just a straight Tube that goes straight down into the Water there is a lot of different Crevices and stuff like that with the Warm Mineral Springs however it is Already roped off you know where the Shallow end is for swimming you know Warm Mineral Springs has been actually Registered on the U.S historic places Because of what was actually found and What the actual the actual history of Warm Mineral Springs is so you know warm Mineral Springs is you know it dates Back to over 10 000 years ago right so You know we had the ice age right so Actually when uh there was exploratory Dives that went down in 1950 1960 Somewhere around there and actually Since there is such low oxygen down 250 Feet deep or even 150 feet deep you know These divers found it you know human Remains prehistoric hunters in excellent Condition just because of how cold it is Down there along with the low oxygen and Even so there were remains of Saber-toothed tigers giant sloths woolly Mammoths and even camels down in the Warm Mineral Springs which is absolutely Crazy I you know coming from Wisconsin You know like I’ve said to you guys on My YouTube videos many times as I really Didn’t think Florida would be something That you know a lot of you know the Focus of the ice age for example right I Didn’t think that there would be woolly Mammoths saber-toothed tigers giant Sloths around here just because we are In a subtropical climate however during The Ice Age the Florida climb was Actually more like the South Carolina And the Carolina climate right now Before it became subtropical right so There’s a lot of history going around With warm Mineral Springs I mean warm Mineral Springs brings in over 150 000 Resident or visitors every single year To the springs now it has gone downhill Over the past few years as residents Have stated so that is why they’re Talking about doing these development Opportunities here in warm Mineral Springs which would be bringing in Hotels you know commercial districts Along with single-family residences as Well so let’s break this down but first Before we jump into this article and Talking to you about what’s going on With this let’s first talk to you a Little bit about war air War Mineral Springs is located right So we’re going to go to the map here and Let’s look at Warrior warm Mineral Springs is so we’re going to zoom out For you guys so you guys can get your Bearings so we have the State of Florida Right here so here’s the State of Florida now let’s zoom in we are going To go buy Sarasota so Southwest Florida We’re going to keep scrolling in go over To Northport and then we’re going to Keep scrolling so on the very west side Of North for we have warm Mineral Springs right here so as you guys can See here it is going to be a park this Is 83 acres and so this is where they’re Going to be talking about the Development opportunities for warm Mineral spring so as we scroll in here You guys see this it’s about an acre and A half acre and a quarter somewhere Around there that is the actual spring Itself Um but then as you guys can see there is Still a lot of trees a lot of trails Going through and this is mainly where The development opportunities that They’re talking about are actually going To go right because when we look at this So these plans right so for the city of Northport they’re talking about the Developing 61.4 Acres of the land here Dedicated for hotels and also Single-family residences so they are Looking to get a zoning of about six Dwellings per acre which would be be About 359 homes total and then they’re Also looking to include over 782 000 square feet of commercial Development commercial buildings so Shopping stores everything you name it They’re going to try doing that in warm Mineral Springs and then they’re also Talking about bringing in hotels into This area with a Max height of 40 feet Which is about three story hotels right So obviously warm Mineral Springs is a Huge attraction from all across the World so they are looking to bring in as Many people as they possibly can where Exactly do those people stay sure Northport does have hotels however at The end of the day it would be better For the city of Northport to have hotels On site for people to go walking to warm Mineral Springs so they don’t have to Drive back and forth from their hotel to The Springs itself because at the end of The day no the city of Northport said That they profit about 1 million dollars Profit per year from the springs and They’re looking really to increase that So as we zoom in here this is going to Be the 61.4 Acres that they are looking To be developing this they are looking To keep about 21.6 of those Acres Dedicated for the spring so I just want To be clear is that these 21.6 acres are The acreage that has been maintained Over the years the other 61.4 acres has Not been maintained by the city as they Have stated as it is just used for Wildlife trees and conservation stuff Right so no nothing is really going to Be taken away from warm Mineral Springs Besides the trees and stuff like that Over on this part of the park as well So that’s kind of what warm Mineral Springs looks like in a nutshell it Looks like a big square right it looks Like a rectangle however the biggest Reason why they are now talking more and Pushing more on the development side of The warm Mineral Springs is because During Hurricane Ian it was one of the Probably one of the biggest hurricanes That we’ve had in recent history in the North Port area so it caused a lot of Devastation as you guys saw in my other YouTube videos If you guys haven’t gone See go and see what the aftermath of Hurricaneian looked like but at the end Of the day the city of Northport Earmarked nine million dollars to Restore the historic buildings on the Warm Mineral Springs along with just the Park in general restoring the 21.6 acres In general however that 9 million that They earmarked or estimated that Actually turned out in reality they got Quotes back from contractors you know They’ve been searching around for cost Alternatives everything like that but The lowest they have been able to get it Is 18 million dollars in complete fixes Of the park so that’s significantly Double of what the city of Northport Earmarked for the Reconstruction of the Park so I think that’s very crucial to Talk about because at the end of the day It’s double and we’re talking in the Millions so they are looking for private Partner equities to come in to help them And partner up together to restore this Beautiful park because as residents have Stated it has gone downhill in the past You know several months or even before Ian right so they really want to restore Back to its natural beauty however there Is a few controversial things going on About that and what I mean by that is They still have to talk to the Indigenous people before doing the Construction or moving forward onto this Development as this was native land Before as this was burial grounds for The ancient uh human beings before us Right so that’s very crucial to talk About as they’re not sure if this park Can sustain all this commercial Development right so right now they have Been put on pause or they are people are Putting them on pause I should say Because they want to do the geographical Studies the geological studies to make Sure that this ground can actually be Sustainable as there is a giant hole That’s 200 feet deep filled with water That they’re going to be trying to build All around right so they’re worried that It’s not going to be able to hold up a Hotel or other houses that there may be Other sinkholes in the area so that is The biggest concern as of right now so That is what they are looking to move Forward on is going to be getting all These surveys getting all the geological Stuff taken care of to make sure that it Can hold you know these 360 homes the 783 000 square feet of commercial Development a three-story hotel or Multiple three-story hotels they want to Make sure that this ground can hold it Without it compromising the Infrastructure of the properties the Other biggest concern with warm Mineral Springs going on right now Is the actual production flow so if we Scroll down of this article here right So to scroll down we will find it right Here okay so this is important to note Is that we’re going to talk about so the Chairman of mayaka River Management Coordinating Council and the former Director of the Environmental Studies Program at the new College of Florida Noted that the flow rate in the springs Is now just a little over five cubic Feet of water per second right however That’s considerably down from 1942 when It was 13 cubic feet per second so the Biggest thing is you know War Mineral Springs is a naturally fed spring Through event in the Earth right however The flow rate has gone down it’s gone Down more than double Um than what it was in 1942 making it More stagnant right so the city is Worried about that and their people are Worried about the commercial Development Coming in how that’s going to actually Affect the remaining you know the flow As it has dropped significantly since 19 42 people are just worried once Commercial development comes in how that Is going to disrupt the ground Underneath causing the flow to just to Basically get destroyed they don’t want That park or the water to become Stagnant if something collapses and they You know there’s no more water that Seeps up through there they’re worried That it is going to become stagnant Water so that is one of the biggest Concerns right now is making sure that The hydrographic studies come out good The geographical studies come out good As well so there is a lot of new things To be coming along with not only are They talking about proposing these new Development opportunities for warm Mineral Springs but they’re actually Talking about possible changes to North Port Estates and what I mean by that is They haven’t spoke too much about that But they’re talking about doing mixed Zoning right which is interesting Because warm Mineral Springs is down Here and Northport Estates is up here as You guys can see so this can be an Introver interesting thing to hear about As they are talking about proposing Mixed-use development like we were Talking commercial residential multi Family everything like that right so They are talking about proposing mixed Use in North Florida States I’m not Exactly sure how well that is going to Go over I know that a lot of people you Know Northport does struggle on having Multi-family housing which I think is One of a big challenge for Northport However they may be proposing now I’m Not saying this for certain but in this News article they did say that Northport Is considering you know mixed-use Zoning For North Florida States I’m not exactly Sure how that’s going to work out as North border states is more three plus Acres it’s more for single-family houses That are supposed to have acreage right So there are a lot of developments Happening into this area and I’ll keep You guys updated on exactly what’s going On with warm Mineral Springs as it Happens but as of right now they are Looking to get moving forward on this as They do need a private Equity partner to Fix up and restore warm Mineral Springs Along with bringing in the commercial Development that they have been talking About however there is a lot of studies Lost surveys that need to be done as Well as referencing to the public of What their opinion is on this commercial Development but now that you guys know a Little bit more about what’s happening Here with warm Mineral Springs are you Still interested in moving to the Northport area do you want to buy closer To warm Mineral Springs with this Possible Development coming in as in May I’m not going to say it will but it may Bring up home values you know we can’t Predict we don’t have a crystal ball we Don’t know if it’s going to go left Right up and down we don’t know where The price are going to go but at the end Of the day commercial development Residential development also follows Higher prices as well so that’s going to Be very interesting to follow along with As this time goes on but once again guys Thank you very much for checking out This video if you guys have any Questions or if you guys are looking to Move in nine days or 90 days we have a Buyer’s guide dedicated for the city of Northport talking about the best things To do the current hotels to stay at the Rest restaurants top 10 things to do and So much more so if you guys want to go And check that out from a perspective of A Northport resident it’s 100 free to Grab the link is down in the description Down below and if you guys are looking For new construction here in the Northport area I am you know working With a lot of Builders all across North For Gathering up their off-market Inventory to collaborate and put it into One centralized location so if you guys Want to look at off-market new Construction properties that have not Yet hit the market and you’re not going To be worrying about fighting with other Buyers definitely go and check out and Join our 100 free VIP list so go and Check that out link is down in the Description down below but once again Guys thank you very much for checking Out this video and we will catch you Guys all next week
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