FLORIDA’S ROOF CRISIS!! | Insurance, credits, replacements and more with Shayla & Andrew Roaldo Percoco, September 19, 2023September 19, 2023 DON’T BUY INTO THE HYPE! While it is TRUE that roofs are becoming a hot topic here in Florida, an EXPERIENCED agent will be able to help you navigate a roof issue, whether you are buying or selling. @andrewreese3629 and I discuss it all in today’s video! Follow or DM me on Instagram! Please subscribe, click that BELL so you never miss….. https://www.youtube.com/@realshaylatwit Are you considering a move and selling your Manatee or Sarasota County property? Contact me TODAY at 941-544-7690, Let Shayla Twit keep you informed about the Sarasota, FL area real estate market. She specializes in the local barrier islands and area mainland to include: From North to South: Anna Maria Island, Longboat Key, Lido Key, Bird Key, Siesta Key, Casey Key and Manasota Keys, Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, Florida! I wanted to add that I’ve really been enjoying this video journey with neighborhood and home tours while mixing in information on the housing market, predictions, stats, coming soon listings, and how to navigate through a sale from contract to closing, pitfalls and challenges that arise throughout the process. We also show you some of our favorite must do’s and must sees like local restaurants, shops, spas, areas and so much more. And every month on the last Wednesday we highlight one locally owned and operated business and business person, as we enjoy giving back to the community by shopping and dining locally. Shayla Twit has been selling gorgeous Sarasota, FL and her surrounding areas since 2002. Check out her Instagram @realshaylatwit where she also posts her passions: doggies, all things animals really, fitness and fun things happening around Sarasota! Florida is the nation’s premier travel destination for vacation, relocation and retirement… and Sarasota tops the list of beaches as well as a hub for those with the affinity toward fine arts, culture and exceptional cuisine. It’s not just because of our sun, beaches and tax haven anymore! Visit @TravelMaptv for some great travel advice! https://www.ShaylaTwit.com #shaylatwit #sarasotarealtor #floridainsurance #floridaroofs #insurance #floridahomes Andrew one of the biggest topics in Florida are what roofs so the roofs uh Yeah we'll be talking today about what To do you know what you have to be Looking for if you're a seller Andrew if You're a buyer Um today so stay tuned okay so as a Seller let's talk about the seller Perspective first so as a seller if you Have a roof that's older let's say 10 Years old if it's a shingle roof you're Going to want to consider the buyer's Side of things when it comes to selling Because this is where insurers start to Waiver on whether they even want to take On the policy because they do feel like It is a higher risk because even if a Shingle roof is said to last 15 to maybe 20 years in Florida they take a beating Now and especially with all the Hurricanes and the cost of insurance and The risks that they're mitigating here They have really really uh sort of Narrowed the scope of what they're Willing to risk what I'm finding most of The time is that When an inspection is done when they do The wind mitigation inspection they're Looking to say that The insurance companies want to say There's more than 10 years of useful Life left on the roof if there's not More than 10 years of useful life left On it the rates exponentially go higher And higher as you go further and further Under 10 years so You know really if you're a seller you Have to be thinking well do I have 10 Years of useful life and and that's Tough to say you know I mean it's tough To say they they'll give you General uh Understanding of like if it's shingle it Should last this long if it's tile they Say you know it's 25 to 30 years but if It's tile and it's been through a bunch Of storms then they're going to say well The useful life is less so there's There's all these different factors but At the end of the day if the roof's not In good shape Um you're not good for them it's not Good for if you have a buyer and they're Not all cash and they're financing They have to insure right yeah and when If they can't get insurance or the Insurance is so high it's just a deal Killer even on the cash Cash most cash people still want a loan I mean I have one under contract right Now it's a single family home in Sarasota there's a barrel tile roof Right and and that is it's supposed to Have like 18 to 20 years life left is What the um with the report said stated And they're searching for quotes now and The insurers were saying well it's got You know 10 years life on it so it's 10 Years old plus right and I'm thinking Well but it's a tile roof right and so Like it should have 15 to 20 years left And like used to life on it yeah so like Are they even considering those those Factors it just seems like not as much Anymore so why would someone spend on a You know a metal roof or Barrel tile Roof these are all things that you can Ask here right sure we've got a really Great list right well and remember my Dad my dad owned an insurance agency in Venice a large one that stretched from Sarasota all the way down to to Northport and they um you know they he Still has even though he sold it he Still has a lot of his guys are in the Business Brian Bryce and a couple others But we have a lot of different different Agents that we've worked with that are Great and can can help you kind of sort Through that that issue Um it is important I mean it really is You know I call it a deal killer because It just if you get into the deal and There's not enough use to life on the Roof if they're trying to finance forget It there's just no one there's been many A time in my career or two that we've Had across this bridge this isn't the First time sure it'll be the last it's Gonna it's always going to be something Whether it's a roof or whatnot but There's a lot of things that can be done Um a couple of things a couple of times We've had you know I've split the cost Between the buyer and the seller we do a Third that the cell the seller will pay And the rest uh gets sort of passed on To the buyer right so there's a number Of things depending on the situation the Home the location like they can overall Condition of the roof it could be it you Know the thing is you could have an Inspection and the inspector says you Know I'm estimating only five years life Left but it you know it couldn't very Well last It's just for really we're coming from The perspective of the insurance side of Things you're really getting the Transaction to completion right with the Satisfied you know buyer or seller Seller side we're working Out so we're actually in um The Three Oaks neighborhood area which is kind of Off South Sarasota area and you just Close I just closed uh property at 4947 Uh Cedar Oak Way uh again the the use of Life of the roof was under 10 years it Was seven to eight nine years or so on The Wind mitigation Um the buyers found an insurer that Would would take it on it was quite Expensive it was much more expensive Than had he had more more than 10 years But it was it was something that could Potentially have been an issue and we Did end up Um you know giving a little bit of a Credit there to make the deal work for Them so Um you know this area is great though One of the reasons one of the things I Love about this area is It's still very reasonable And you're still in a great location to South Sarasota to Siesta Key to the Interstate yeah you know you're getting A lot of bang for your buck in this Neighborhood in the in sense of you have A great location but prices haven't just Skyrocketed Um here so yeah this is this great Little neighborhood yeah I would say Like this house behind the sort of the One behind it if you were to place that On Siesta Key or Longboat Key it would Easily double or triple just because You're on an island You know I'm talking to a couple of uh Coming up potential sellers here and you Know they're saying well I have to be I Got switched to the state-run insurer Which is Citizens is this an issue I Mean these are just things these are Just definitely factors that we need to Decipher in terms of value too right Like when you're pricing a property for A seller and they're saying that the Roof needs to be replaced or it's at the End of its useful life I mean that Certainly comes into play in terms of Value and studying the seller's Expectations setting the buyer's Expectation so these are all things that We always have to talk about you have to Think about that in in terms of like if You're a buyer if you really want to buy A brand new house and and immediately Need to put you know sink 40 or 50 000 Into a roof generally speaking of Business because well yeah depends and That's it everything is right right it Just depends on the price so Um yeah I mean I think that these issues Are are going to get worse if we Continue to have more hurricanes too so You know we have another Factor there That if hurricanes are are coming then Yeah you're going to have these types of Well listen we live in Florida it's one Of the most desired States and I think The most desirable places where people Buy build homes and have snowboard Properties are going to have some sort Of natural disaster whether it's fires In California I mean we happen to have Hurricanes among other things we don't Need to list out right right so do you Need to necessarily replace your roof to Sell no as experienced agents we know How to advise our clients the best that We can we've got great vendors or Preferred insurer vendors and whatnot to Help us advise through the process so Don't feel like you know you have to do That I would say call one of us to Discuss it and we'll put you on the Right path we'll we'll give you the Equity update for your property on the Current condition and also when I list a Property I'm a big fan of not spending a Lot of my sellers money but I will Advise you to do certain things to get The biggest return on your money Depends on the situation Um and so what else do you have to add To that I think that's it I think that's It if you if you'd like to get a hold of Me I'd surely love to meet with you if You're looking to buy or sell right now Uh feel free to reach out to me anytime On my cell phone at 941-586-2460 When I met myself 941-544-7690 thank you for watching Liking subscribing definitely send this To anyone that you think would find Helpful or useful and if you haven't Subscribed click the Subscribe and thank You Um yeah we want to hear from you so Thank you
Real estate INDOOR POOL IN FLORIDA?? | FOR SALE $10,000,000 | #florida #wow #indoorpool #floridarealestate December 6, 2023December 6, 2023 DID SOMEONE SAY INDOOR POOL? In this Florida home no less? Why YES. This heated, saltwater pool and spa, elevated at approximately 23 feet at the baseline elevation AND hurricane impact protected by it’s sliding glass doors and shutters… This… Read More
Real estate SIESTA KEY MONEY MAKER | Rarely available Crescent Arms villa listed by Shayla August 24, 2023August 25, 2023 TAKE A PEEK INSIDE A RARELY AVAILABLE VILLA ON SIESTA KEY! My newest listing in Crescent Arms on Siesta Key quickly went under contract in only 4 days! Units in Crescent Arms RARELY come on the market; take a peak… Read More
Real estate Top 5 Reasons to Move to Sarasota Florida January 6, 2024January 6, 2024 Moving to Sarasota Florida- What to Expect In this episode, we are going to be discussing the Top 5 Reasons Why Most People Move to Sarasota. I, myself, moved from the Midwest to Sarasota a few years ago and will… Read More