The Main Street Complete Streets project is underway, and we are looking to see how the City can redesign Main Street from US 41 to School Avenue.
We would like to hear from you! Here’s how:
Sign up for our Main Street visioning workshop on Tuesday, April 2 at the Selby Library in downtown Sarasota! Here you can learn more about the project, share your ideas and collaborate with others. There will be four 30-minute sessions between 5 – 7 p.m., with a limit of 50 participants per session, so don’t delay!
To sign up and learn more, visit
Take the online survey! It will be open and available to the public until Friday, April 26, so please take a few moments to give us your feedback.
Link to the survey ➡
So the Main Street complete Street Project is a redesign of Main Street so What that entails is transportation Infrastructure so anything within your Sidewalks your Landscaping uh roadway Parking among other things the city is There so of looking to redesign Main Street in terms of any um Ada or trip Passers that can happen all around uh The sidewalk we can also take a look at Uh any roadway infrastructure any Det Iation in the roadway uh we're looking At Landscaping any electrical and Utilities that can be improved as part Of this project we're also trying to Have a main street that looks a little Bit more cohesive but not necessarily The same we have a survey open that we Would like to hear from you it can take 5 to 10 minutes so please take the time To take the survey and we hope to hear From you soon thank You He