Rate decreases and Incentives on New Homes are the latest topic we are discussing for our viewers. This video offers valuable information on rates an incentives on new homes.
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I N S T A G R A M –
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W E B S I T E –
Everywhere we go people want to know who We are and so we tell them I'm Susan Phelps and Judy Atari with burshire Hathway Florida Realy Today we're at Clive Daniels which Is one of the newest stores that Provides Home Furnishings whether you're Renovating or um fishing brand new home Exactly they can help you with tiles Wall Features artwork lighting everything I Mean check out the lighting behind us so Cool so we love coming here on Wednesdays because we have a realtor Pitch a power pitch we call it we are Here to listen to other Realtors talk About their new listings and we're here To provide information about our new Listings so if you want to sell your Home to buy a new home we can help you Do both yeah Yes we have been getting so many Emails about rates and incentives so We're here to tell you date the rate Marry the home you've heard this I'm Sure you've seen this but it's true We're seeing Builders offer incentives Including not not just rate decreases But as well incentives towards design Um lot prices even the knocking off Money on the home prices so we're here To get this information to you so that You don't delay and take advantage of These incentives we have rate buy Downs
Now they are specific to community and To specific select homes they might be a An inventory home that they have Completed and they want to move that on Um we've seen some offering $20,000 for finance credits Taya Morrison is doing that they have a buy Build secure program to reduce the rate For a year using their affiliate lender Of course so this has got us thinking There's other builders doing the same Thing okay so take it away Judy finish Up with Taylor Morrison so in addition to um they're Offering incentives on a lot of home Prices um but in some communities They're offering $50,000 of upgrades or Half off upgrades up to like an $80,000 Mark so that's a significant amount of Money and when you work with their Design team you can really be efficient With those funds um now there are some Great Home Bargains and I just looked up A few um at EES spend in Palmetto which Is near Parish um they're offering on Their final f are final homes that They're building out there um there's a Quick move in Antigua for $499,000 499,000 um you couldn't touch this for Barely under six two years ago blow me Way um and then the Esplanade Communities like a Zario and Artisan Lakes are also giving significant
Incentives some are over $50,000 on Select homes and down in Sky Ranch and Sarasota County they're offering to Cover the first year of HOA fees for Villas in into addition to price Incentives of about $40,000 on select Inventory homes right and remember that Select Community select inventory homes We have the py family which includes oh Synex and we have Also um Dasta and Del Web so They're dependent their their incentives Are dependent on which um Builder we're Talking about out within that py home uh Family and they're offering like for Instance they're offering Finance rates From 4.99% up to 5.75% depending on the community and in Addition they have several quick movein Homes that have Incentives so you got specifics Specifics oh yeah G put all this information together for Me and we have the aisles at bayew Offering 4.99% with 30 fix 30 year fixed they Have a Chapman floor plan which is a 322 1662 Square ft with a $10,000 Savings so it's now $384 750 that's just amazing other quick Moving up to
432,000 the Mystique which is absolutely The most popular uh model uh floor plan That um that they Offer North River Ranch P's offering a 4.99% Rate and $10,000 Savings with some of the mystiques Around the low fours oh sorry high Fors that would be Nice D web uh that Bay View have a Mystique that's as low as 596 260 other quick move in homes savings Are from 12,000 to 40,000 we have dasta and Talon preserve That has a Mystique that was seven 53 845 and it's now 695 891 and in Beachwalk we have a Mystique that was 755 645 and it's now 728 and $4 So Carry On D um so told Brother which is another High-end luxury Builder um is offering Uh 5.875% on homes in the Isles in Lakewood Ranch and those um homes there range From um $840,000 to about 1.5 million um And in montere which is also in Lakewood Ranch um in Manatee County that um they Have homes uh quick mov in homes from 760,000 to about 1.6 million so a 5.875 Per on a high-end Home is pretty Wonderful there we go that's
True and you go ahead I got Neil now um So Neil communities is offering a a low Rate of 5.25 or 5.75 on select homes but It's across a wide range of communities And we've done videos on all these Communities so if you want to see those Community we'll send you the video um so In Neil communities um you can get this Rate on select move in homes um for Canoe Creek and wild Leaf at North River Ranch up in Parish and then a little South of us we've got bua Royale Venza Theza I never say that right Grand palm And Wisteria um down toward Northport And Grand and wellam park um so they Also have additional savings on select Homes and they've got such a wide range Of communities we tried to make this Brief for you um now another high-end Luxury Builder um Signature Homes um They are offering a rate of 5.25% on homes that are in the price Range of about $999,000 to 2.1 million um so a lot of People still big beautiful home stunning Homes and the Neil uh quality that we Know and if you don't know Neil Regional Builder great Community Partner and Medallion homes is offering $3.99 % on select homes in select communities For instance in watercolor Madame is Also offering a rate byy down that is on A sliding scale I guess that depends on
Oh that depends on the year so the first Year starts at 4 4.25% the second year it goes up to 5.25% and the next year it goes up to 6.25% well maybe you can avoid that 6.25% by refinancing with a lower rate Altto together because we don't know When those rates are going down Definitely um so mi homes we've done Some Mi home videos and they're in a Wide range of areas um but they are Offering a 5.875% on homes that close by um June 28th 2024 and they do have inventory Ready homes that can close by that date Um and these include homes in tresta and In Sweetwater which is South Sarasota um Lquid ranch lquid ranch yeah um water Side yes anyway um I looked up a couple Bargains for you and am my homes in Tresta has a town home around $36,000 which is crazy it is a Three-bedroom three bath uh one car Garage around uh 1588 Square ft so um It's below market rate of 5.875 And then to give you another idea in Sweetwater Village Drive in Lakewood Ranch um you can get a 5.875 rate on a Home that is now um around $750,000 it was priced around $840 There's another one of those pric in That's a huge price decrease Y and it's A 2744 ft home three-bedroom three bath
Three car garage um so you get a three Car garage at that price point in Lake Ranch is a find so if you'd like to see Any of these homes we'd love to do It and new builders that are coming into The area ERS which is going to build Bungalow walk in Lakewood Ranch Waterside those are going to be offered In the high 500s to the low 700s with a Rate of 3.99% so we've got other builders that Are you know limiting the these Incentives whether it be a raid Incentive or a um a design incentive or Right a discount so we try to keep Update updated they keep us updated and We're the ones you need to come to to Find out help you organize it yep and We're um search doing the research for You so the other builders are contacting Us yes um so we're seeing in incentives Um kind of a wide variety of things but Um our our Pals at Inland homes have Some incentives on certain inventory Homes and those vary greatly by home and By Community um and then David weekly Homes homes by West Bay Casa Fresca and Cardell um those are all have been Parish but they're building in other Areas around here too um they're all Offering various incentives and I don't Think just cuz we haven't mentioned Specifics that there's not something out There so call us us we'll help you
Organize it call us and please Subscribe and like our video and ask us Any questions in the comments and we'll Get back to you right Away so from your Berkshire haway Florida realy real estate Information Specialist we'll see you the next time Bye-bye thank you